Sunday, January 15, 2006

Law School Application

My law school application consumes my life. It always on the back of my mind. Every time I make a decision what it will look like on my application comes to mind. I know if I study just a little longer and get a better grade that will look better. Or if I put up with some of the things I don't like about my sorority and keep my executive board position that will help me with my application. When I think I about studying abroad, I think about how that will help me with my appication. I know that it is making me a better person. Studying harder is making me learn more and will make me better prepared for the long hours I will have to put in when I'm in law school. I know that sticking with my sorority and trying to make changes for the better are teaching me skills I will need later in life. Studying abroad will also teach me things about a different culture and also things about how law works in another country. Thinking about my law school application is molding me into a better person.


At 1:23 AM, Blogger Matt Schollenberger said...

That is great that you are able to remain so focused on your career. I have the opposite situation for myself: I tend to forget the connection of all the work I am doing and my prospective careers. Though you are right, you will need this determination to continue in law. I have a close friend who is going into law and it seems like he is constantly doing schoolwork. Where do you plan to go to study abroad? Do they offer many options/locations for law students to study abroad?


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