Friday, February 10, 2006

Moritz College of Law

Ohio State's Moritz College of Law is another college I'm looking into. It is conveniately located a few blocks from my house. I obviously love Ohio State's campus. I know a lot about the housing options and my way around Columbus. However, Moritz is not ranked as high in typical law school rankings as the other colleges I'm looking at. However, it is a great back up option. Drinko Hall is extremely nice and I've met many students there who are extremely nice.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Blawg Tips

I was searching the web looking for other law blogs, seeing what they have to offer when I came across a great post. Not only did I learn what a blawg (a law blog) is, but I got some great tips on how to make your blawg great. The post is a few months old, but the material in it is definately worth a look at.

Here's the basics to Blawg Review #38 & how this blog measures up:

  1. Mix it Up

    • Think of Your Weblog as a Magazine

    • I think I provide similar content to what a magazine would provide.
    • Provide Both Information and Opinion

    • I feel like my blog provides plenty of concrete information about the universities I've visited and what the resources I've reviewed are about. I also feel like I have offered my own personal take on each of these and what I think about them.
    • Link Freely to Other Weblogs

    • I'm not doing so well in this area. Most of my links are to resources that aren't blogs. I need to work on this one.

  2. Prove You Have a Personality

    • Reveal Something About Yourself

    • My professional ambitions entry reveals a lot to the reader about who I am and where I'm going.
    • Don't Fear the First Person

    • I use first person regularly.
    • Don't Neglect Your About Page

    • I'll admit that I do not have much written in my profile. However, I am using this account for several very different blogs and feel as though different sides of my personality should be expressed to each blog. So I'm failing here.

  3. Be a Better Writer

    • Get Rid of the Cliches

    • I don't think I use a lot of cliches, but I should start making sure that I am not using them in my writing.
    • Omit Needless Words

    • I try to do this every time I revise an entry, but should probably be working on it every time I write an entry.
    • Seek Out Models

    • I have been reading the other students' blogs for class and researching other law related blogs online. I feel like they are great models for my writing.

  4. Write for the Computer Screen

    • Use Short Paragaphs and Bullets

    • I'm using bullets right now. I think my paragraphs are short enough as well.
    • Stick to One Topic Per Post

    • I think I do this well with my reviews on separate posts.
    • Work on Your Titles

    • I agree that I need to work on mine and make them more interesting.

  5. Use Photos

  6. I have used photos, but probably not as often as I could have.

  7. Don't Be Obscure

    • Don't Run a Private Club

    • I feel like I explain any "jargon" I might use (as I have explained blawg here) and don't refer to people my readers might not know by first name.
    • Provide Context for Your Links

    • I think I do a decent job reviewing each link I post and letting my readers know what they'll find there.
    • Make Your Site Easy to Navigate

    • I hope my site is easy to navigate. Any links I've used in posted are listed to the right and my archives and previous posts are listed there as well.

  8. Build a Community

    • Get a Blogroll

    • I need to look into this.
    • Encourage Comments

    • I am not doing much to actively encourage comments, but the option is available. Maybe I should encourage people in my post to comment on what I'm talking about.
    • Be Generous to Other Weblogs

    • I am not doing a great job at linking to other blogs, but I will work on fixing this.

  9. Experiment with New Weblogging Ideas/li>
    I've changed the layout several times and tweaked different things here and there.

  10. Don't Let your Weblog Make You Crazy

  11. I'm not.

Read the whole post to get explanations and lots of examples.

Schaeffer, Evan. (January 2, 2006). Blawg Review #38. Evan Schaeffer's Legal Underground. Retrieved February 7, 2006 from

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Princeton Review

The Princeton Review is another great resource for prospective students. It has several articles on how to prepare for law school, how to get into law school, and law school rankings. There are school search options and information on different careers. Definately a great resource to check for prospective students. Also a great thing for faculty to check out see what is being said about their law school and others, and what students are doing to prepare to get into law school.

US News & World Report

Us News & World Report anually ranks law schools. If you buy the magazine you can get the complete details for each law school. Online, if you pay, you can recieve the same service. However, the ranking is available for free along with the details for the top two law schools (Yale & Harvard for 2006.) The different measures they use are peer assessment score, assessment score by lawyers/judges, '04 undergrad GPA 25th-75th percentile, '04 LSAT 25th-7th percentile, '04 acceptance rate, '04 student/faculty ratio, '03 grads employed at graduation, employed 9 months after graduation, school's bar passage rate in jurisdiction, jurisdiction's overall bar passage rate. Definately something all prospective students and faculty looking to change university should check out.